18+ Cara Mengatasi You Can't Make This Change Because The Selection Is Locked Word 2019. Kali ini kita akan membahas cara mengatasi error ms word tidak bisa mengetik. This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked.
When you edit a word document, you receive a warning message stating the selection is locked: If you don't see that button but instead see a 'start protection' button, you can close this little window. How to open a locked microsoft word file, it cannot.
They are cells that cannot be changed, usually because they have important values that the creator of the spreadsheet does not want anyone to change.
Cara mengatasi microsoft office tidak bisa diketik. Jika muncul pesan kesalahan you can't make this change because the selection is locked, hal ini terjadi karena dokumen word yang sedang kita. This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked. They are cells that cannot be changed, usually because they have important values that the creator of the spreadsheet does not want anyone to change.